A Highly Experienced Team

Catalyst Leadership Group is an executive coaching and leadership development firm. We are a highly experienced team of Certified Professional Coaches and talented consultants positioned to meet the demands of large corporations.

We offer a broad range of services to meet your leadership and organizational development needs. We function as a catalyst to challenge you, inspire you, and support your professional goals.

Organizations need effective leaders to role model the desired culture and values, improve engagement, drive strategic priorities, and accelerate goal achievement. We are passionate about helping you make a difference. Our experience and impact speaks for itself. See what our clients have to say about us in testimonials.


We coach clients and teams to:

  • Discover and understand their unique talents, gifts, and leadership skills to leverage their strengths and improve results
  • Improve leadership effectiveness
  • Connect the dots between leaders, their team, and the organization
  • Unlock their full potential
  • Align actions with values, and purpose with performance
  • Achieve transformational growth

“For me, it was important to have an executive coach I could trust, who really listened...” Read more >>